[영어문법] 분사구만 2탄 (분사구문에 자주쓰이는 접속사)
2021. 2. 9. 11:48
[영어문법] 분사구만 2탄 (분사구문에 자주쓰이는 접속사)
① 시간의 부사절 접속사 (while, when, after)
I found some money under the bed while I was cleaning my room.
(= I found some money, cleaning my room.)
When you turn to right side, you will find my house.
(= Turning to right side, you will find my house.)
② 이유의 부사절 접속사 (as, because)
Because I felt hungry, I ate pizza
(= feeling hungry, I ate pizza.)
As you are poor, you can not afford an expensive car.
(= Being poor, you can not afford an expensive car.)
③ 분사구문 부정: not 을 ing 앞으로 (~하지않아서)
Not having some money, I couldn't buy food.
돈을 가지고 있지 않나서, 음식을 살수 없었다